Celebrity Personalized
Today is a tough day. I feel disconnected and numb. It's strange, knowing that my mood was spawned by the death of a celebrity. Last night, Robin Williams was found dead in his room. Robin Williams was an icon - hilarious, vulnerable, talented, a hard worker, an (by all accounts) a great guy. He was bipolar, and (if the news has any value to it at all) had been in a pretty bad depression for several months. For all the pain that came from my close friends seeming to minimize the suffering that depression causes, I also cannot image the rush that comes with mania. I experienced it, once, when I was trying Prozac. It was one of the most amazing and terrifying moments of my life. I can't imagine the frustration that comes with flying over the world, free and able to do whatever you want, no consequences to bind you - only to come crashing to the ground, lost in an oubliette of numb and self-loathing, left to cope with the consequences of the High. Often, quite literally, consideri...